A Travellerspoint blog

By this Author: fmuldowney

"Helping Globie" a new adventure!

Globie, our lovely planet, needs help. He is going bald, trees are disappearing, afraid that he will no long be the play ground for the children, that he wanted to be. He needs drawings, poems, ideas, to manifest our home of the future.

sunny 20 °C



When I was a kid, I trusted the adults, politicians, teachers and religious leaders. I always thought it was those who make the decisions, the ones who make the world work.

The more I learned, the more I discovered, that for thousands of years, the older wiser adults have never been able to achieve peace, to solve problems like poverty, or find a balance between nature and civilization.

Children has a voice

Children has a voice

It was only later in life I figured, maybe, just for a change, why don't the adults trust the children's dreams for a change, children's ideas as children's future is theirs, not ours.

It is the adults who said, never fight, respect your elders, be kind to others and animals, but the adults are same ones who join the army, go to war, flatten trees and make more roads, buildings and wealth and success seems more important than being kind or showing respect.

Globie is everywhere

Globie is everywhere

Helping Globie, is simply a journey where Dragana Djuric and myself, will assemble a large scrap book of children's dreams of the future. Drawings, songs, poems, signatures, quotes, everything that children want to see in the future we will record and we will try to show this to everyone, from a book, a mini movie, and the internet, and maybe one day, the men in power might once just pay attention to what children want, after all, children should have a voice too.

Frank Muldowney
Dragana Djuric
"Helping Globie"
on Facebook

Posted by fmuldowney 06:28 Archived in Serbia Tagged foot Comments (0)

Back to the Camino 2008

38 Irish (Canadian and US) pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago


Lorna Mitchell was the one who had the vision, the idea of raising funds for the MS Society, through long walks abroad. It started in 1989, I myself was fortunate to be involved from the beginning, and the 2nd walk was the first Camino de Santiago in 1990 by the MS walking group. Little did I know, that this simple long walk, came to be life changing.


Today, 18 years later, a special lady sponsored me to join the walk one more time, having been away from it from 9 years. It was an enormous act of kindness by her and it was a privilege for me, to enjoy the experience and bring some humour on the way. I was optimistic too as the Camino used to be a challenge for me in a personal way, however I felt more positive that my old demons were lost on the road over the years.

I was prepared for some hot days, now that the walk is set in June, however I asked for a cooler trip and the angels gave me my wish. It was 6 degrees at one point, thus the heat was never an issue and blisters were not common. The best part about this is, the people got to know each other easily without the threat of possible 30+ degrees.

When one loses direction in life, on the Camion, there are yellow arrows to put you back on track!

Jean and John lead the way, 2 very experienced walkers whose own lives were changed by these paths in the 1990's. They worked hard to avoid pressure, allowing people to pace themselves their own way and it worked to a treat. Cathryn has the thankless job of handling all the walkers problems, hotel arrangements, dinners, meetings, functions etc. Moya was in charge in the medical department, like a mum of 38 adults. Ruth another experienced walker took the role with the lunches and other hidden jobs that many are not aware of, with the help of a professional coach driver, Gostavos who joined in helping in anyway that he could. At the end is was a professional performance by all involved and one of the smoothest journey I can remember.

The walkers themselves are of course the most important ones. Those who raised a considerable amount of money which does unseen wonders for the suffers of MS. I remember the first walk in 1989 raised about 60,000 pounds, where today, the now 1,500 walkers have raised 10 million Euro over the years. When you look at the big picture, one person cannot achieve this, but each individual has a vital role, by just doing your own bit, thus each step is one cent that adds up to millions.


This special 38, were a joy to get to know. All very different, many from the country side, some from Dublin, with one lady from Canada. I was blessed to have a conversation with everyone at sometime on the way and if I had more time I would have got to know them even more I am sure. I was sharing with Austin, the talented musician / singer / song writer, who I walked with before in 1997. His cheerful presence and positive attitude raises the happiness level many times on the walk, even though it puts pressure on him to perform at time to time. By bringing his guitar, Austin's talent brought out the best out of many people, Roisin a multi talented girl who has a musical ear and sings like an angel. Thomas the cool clarinet player, then there was Mick, Eileen, Ruth, Ann & Roisin, Mary, Maria, John .... the talent was coming out from all angels. These people made their own fun, and shared that happiness to others in hostels, hotels and on the path itself. One small incident I remember, the German couple a little down in the dumps on the path and after a few hours with us, they were left with a glow in their hearts and the polite German lady could not control her emotions when we sang goodbye.

The hostel in Rabanal, a great musical day, and I slept like a baby ;-)

On the walk itself, is more a personal time. I felt their was many personal thoughts floating in the pilgrims minds and hearts. I am always aware of the one who walks alone, I just add some positive thoughts of my own in the hope it may help some how whatever is deep in their own thoughts. One never really knows each others second names, nor peoples careers, that's not really important on the Camion. It is more about you. Why are you here? What have you coped with in life? What do you hope for? The Camino is a great place to say goodbye to problems and bring on a brighter future. As Jean said once "Everything stays on the Camion."

I cannot comment about other peoples experiences, I can only speak from my own. To me this walk is a journey of self discovery. When I started in 1989, each year I started looking for answers, right till 1999. I was only 24 on my first journey on the Camino and I had a lot of personal issues. My Father died of MND, close linked to MS and I allowed hate to grow in my heart. My best friend Jim Blewitt an inspirational person himself, did the same walk each year, but died suddenly in 1995. Each problem I had, raised its head on the Camino. The walks came to be my own education, and coming back 19 years later I was not sure how I will feel after this journey.

(Tom) - "Is it a sub-dominant Austin?", (Austin) - "Err no, I always walk this way!" - Tony smoking his pipe in a reflective state.... if you pardon the visual pun

At the end, I had a glowing feeling of happiness in my heard. A little like I passed my test. I walked the Camino with no hate, no complaints with life. I have learned from these walks that each problem that comes to me, it is up to me to handle. Anything that bothers me, ''is" my own problem, spreading it to others is not going to find a solution. My own answers are inside. Finding happiness in my heart was the greatest discovery in my life and this to me is the true path to peace. - "There is 'no' path to happiness..... happiness 'is' the path" - Buddist Monk

I was honoured to be able to discuss my own views on faith with Phil and Tony. I spend a lot of time observing people, how they move, express themselves, speak, listen and think. I felt and saw the depth and wisdom of these two people who have an ora of peace with them. I felt very comfortable speaking and walking with them even though we have different views on religion, which means I could learn more from their point of view. It was my own highlight of the journey. I am sure everyone has their own moments of bliss on the Camino, from the pile of stones to the steps to the Cathedral to a good warm bath!

Robert and Sheila smiling to the last few steps with the group.

Looking back, I couldn't think of a better Camino. The quiet walkers, deep in thought, leave space for others, a joy to watch. Louise taking care of everyone 'army style' showing the biggest heart I know. Moya a professional physio but to me is a true healer who puts love into her work. Then the boisterous fun bunch (and there were many), who came to enjoy themselves, brought good energy, making us all feel a little younger and I believe there was space for joy for everyone.


Thank you all for a magical journey and I look forward to meet you again on the road.


Frank Muldowney

Posted by fmuldowney 04:39 Comments (0)

The Importance of the St. Patrick's Day Parade 2008

Harvey is here!

semi-overcast 4 °C


The St. Patrick's Parade, on Monday, March 17th, 2008, was an important moment in Irish history. This is our national holiday, the day where everyone of all races and creeds, have the opportunity to express their happiness, showing that this in this peaceful society in the future. Some don't look at it this way, but the crowd, the police and the performers, felt a strong feeling of freedom and peace. A day of united celebration which is a mini version of World Peace.

Myself, Shiera O'Brien and 'Harvey' were located at the beginning of the parade. The organisers allowed us to have seats at the Grandstand, giving space for Harvey and his wheelchair, being treated like ringside VIP's. It was an honour to be at such a privileged position. At the same time, unconsciously hundreds of people saw Harvey's orange wheelchair, which will appear in their minds again in the future.

Shiera with some American spectators - Indian music

Shiera was present, taking some video and still pictures at the parade. It is a simple thing to do, however these pictures and this web page are now the platform of the walk of peace from Dublin to Belfast, a continuation of the walk I completed across Australia last year. Shiera and I know very well of the power of the ripple effect, that any positive action or thought, will continue and the ripple spread outwards. I am inspired by this parade and because of it, I now carry this positive energy and happiness with me on my walk to Belfast.

For thousands of years, the human mind was stuck in a 2 dimensional way of thinking. Over time, intelligence grew and eventually the human mind finally accepted and understood of the 3rd dimensional world. It was only the fear of the unknown, kept our minds trapped in the past. Now there is enormous changes in the human mind again, getting closer to another new dimension, faith and science, imagination and technology combined. Intelligence grows each second, like growing upwards, stage by stage. It is part of evolution. Those who hold on to what they know now, will miss out by not thinking of the future. It seems natural to hold on to something that one finally understands, however is it even more important to have an open mind of what is possible at the next stage of learning.

Intelligence never stops, it is easier to accept it and modify ones thinking rather than go blindfolded as that's where ignorance grows. I myself have no concept of what is possible in the next 20 years, but I am enthusiastic and positive of the future. The Roman Empire mentality has failed so many times just like other empires, British, French, Nazism and still being used today by the super powers. I am not afraid of the impending changes ahead, I prefer to embrace it and imput my own impact of peace, creating my small role as a peacemaker on my own journey. I am part of the future too.

Myself and Harvey, with the 3 bodyguards (protecting Harvey!!) - A blast of colour

I know in my heart that the world is not coming to an end, it is coming to the end of an age of ignorance. Even the most misguided people know in their hearts that there is a lot of falsh information being embedded in their brains, through advertising, the media and our own political leaders. It is a joy to see so many young people, following theor hearts, doing what they were born to do, and it will be theose who will inspire and lead the next generation.

The St Patrick's Parade was a visual manefestation of the future. The world joint together in happiness. There are more St Patrick's Parades now than ever, from Boston to London to Melbourne. You wouldn't need to have another parade now, would you? Well I intend to create my own celebration on the way to Belfast and anyone is welcomed to join in.


I wish to thank Katherine O'Riordan, an organiser of the St Patrick's Parade, for allowing us to participate in such a symbolic and successful event.

Go raibh maith agat.

Frank Muldowney
[email protected]

Posted by fmuldowney 05:43 Archived in Ireland Comments (0)

World Peace : It'll be sorted by 2015


semi-overcast 13 °C


Or that's what one extraordinary Irishman believes. And he's walking thousands of miles across Australia to prove it. Words Jason O'Toole

An Irishman has just sent the last 18 months walking across the entire continent of Australia, while pushing his imaginary friend Harvey in a wheelchair, with the goal of securing world peace. If this doesn't sound ludicrous enough, he is also predicting that the world will live in harmany by the year 2015.

Making friends, The Irish Ambassador in Canberra, and with the Ulysses Bikers on the road in NSW.

Frank Muldowney's 6000 kilometre walk for peace started on April 2nd, 2006 in Perth and ended at 1pm local time on September 29th, 2007, at the lighthouse in Byron Bay. Despite receiving little or no media attention in his home country, the 41-year-old's extraordinary journey across one of the biggest countries in the world has transformed him into a household name in the Oceania and Asia regions.

"Negative thinking creates fear and, indeed, wars," Frank told HOTPRESS last week, as he edged close to the finishing line. "The aim of the walk is to change the mind-set of people who think that peace will never happen." The former Credit Union worker, from East Wall in Dublin, insisted to HOTPRESS that we can achieve world peace in 8 years.

"I believe by announcing an official date for peace, this 'thought' can spread everywhere through the media into people's minds and hearts," he said. "I believe people can now be more focused on thoughts of peace, rather than fear and war."
Is he not being a tad optomistic? Not so, he insisted. All we need is a bit of positive thinking.

Frank Muldowney's pilgrimage across the Australian continent was inspired by his own near-death experience. In 1985, at the age on 19, he suffered a brain haemorrhage. After surviving the 8 hour brain surgery operation, Frank was unable to "speak or comprehend correctly". He spent a year as he put it, "living in his own world in the future".

Albert Einstein - Frank's cartoon logo for Harvey

He recalled: "But I believed it was temporary. While learning how to read again, I came across a quotation from Albert Einstein that confirmed my own belief that the power of the human mind can cure oneself, a theory to solve any problem - 'Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the entire world'."

Frank applied this thinking to his own health. "I decided to ignore medical diagnosis," he said. "I took charge of my own health, through physical training, travelling, learning, walking and thinking of the future rather than the past. I decided my health was important - and that to get better I had to believe I would be better. It started to work, and it got me thinking - why couldn't we create world peace the same way?"

Frank with the Mayor of Byron Bay Jan Barham, at the finish.

Over a 10 year period, Frank completed 16 long-distance charity walks for MS - in Ireland, France, Spain and Peru. Describing these walks as pilgrimages that helped him "to improve himself and learn from the wisdom of others", Frank said he felt "peacefulness spreading within himself".

Frank is now planning to start a group called 'A Global Pilgrimage for Peace', with the aim of recording a documentary to highlight how world peace can be achieved by walking. "I aim to get supported by known entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Bono, who care about the future for the next generations," he revealed. "The idea to me is simple, to promote Harvey as a figure who stand for peace everywhere through the walk, the arts and the media."

The concept of Harvey was inspired by the "friend" of James Stewart's alcoholic character in the eponymous classic film.

"The dream for peace is in everyone's heart; you cannot see it, but you can feel it. This dream cannot die - this is Harvey, the imaginary peacemaker who lives in your own heart. Harvey's wheelchair is a symbol for a world disabled by fear rascism and injustice. We are all disabled until we have peace."

Harvey and Frank, making friends in Sydney

He is also planning to undertake a much shorter walk from Dublin to Belfast to celebrate the peace process here. "At the moment, my body needs a long rest," he said, "but my mind is raring to go for more. Living a dream has been the greastest feeling of happiness in my life, and happiness is the way to peace. I have never been happier."

Article by Jason O'Toole of HOTPRESS

Posted by fmuldowney 15:54 Archived in Ireland Comments (1)

What a beautiful journey

Day 546 - Perth to Byron Bay completed

sunny 26 °C

Indigo and Paul complete Harvey's journey.

Harvey, with the help of many friends, has been pushed for 6,000km across Australia, keeping peoples imaginations active and alive, with the dream for peace being discussed by more people than before.

Harvey was finally pushed over the line by Indigo and Paul, and I myself thought it was a perfect way to conclude this chapter of Harvey's journey. I remember on the 2nd day of this journey, where Nick joined and walked with me for several days after, who gave me wisdom, courage and direction. He then let me free to follow my own path and Nick continued his own dream in his own life. The list of those who walked and pushed Harvey over a year later is long. That is what the walk was truly about, sharing peoples hopes, dreams and experiences and then following your own direction.

Nathan calling me in!

I believe this walk was more than just successful. I learned a great deal about other people, those who have different opinions than my own, those who don't believe we will ever have peace. I felt as a student, to listen more and understand the reason of having negative thoughts of the future, but one by one, I was getting stronger in my own beliefs. I became happier in myself, and yet seeing those who do not see a peaceful world, are unhappy. So to me, the attitude is crucial, if you live negatively, you will have a unhappy life, so even if my philosophy of believing in peace is wrong, I will have a happier life anyway. I would rather be in the wrong and live peacefully, believing in global peace some day, than be in the right and unhappy. Even though I did not change some peoples views, we still became friends, by respecting our own opinions and thus, peace was achieved. It is self healing to feel peace in your heart when you make peace with someone who come from the other side of the road of opinion.

The Mayor Jan Barham welcomes me to Byron Bay - The last few metres walking with 2 inspirational people and thousands of peoples dreams for peace carried in Harvey.

For now, I am resting in Adelaide with Jacky. I have been distant to take myself away from the non stop thinking of planning this walk, which has been taxing for 18 months. I have many decisions to make ahead, but for now, its time to rest my body and mind, and rest Harvey's wheels, until the next chapter.

Frank & Jacky - Harvey

I wish to thank all of those who were involved with this journey. I am fully aware of the number of people who made such a major impact on this project and myself. It is an impressive list of peoples names.

I finish this blog with a quote from Andie of Violet Town, who summed up this journey aptly when we were talking. When I pushed Harvey the very first time in 1993, I never knew this empty wheelchair will eventually be filled of peoples dreams and desires for peace. That is who Harvey us, and I hope he becomes bigger, day by day, step by step.

"The day you left, walking away pushing Harvey, I felt a part of my heart went with you in that wheelchair" Andie Walton

Posted by fmuldowney 00:06 Archived in Australia Comments (1)

Harvey's journey is completed.

Day 546 - 5985km Byron Bay

sunny 26 °C

2002 - Frank was asked to walk around the rock, not over it. Frank respected that, and decided to walk around it, the long way.

So it's finally over, or did another just begin?

Harvey, the symbolic and invisble character for peace, has been kissed, hugged, arrested, run over, and pushed across Australia from Perth to Byron Bay from April 2nd 2006 to 29th September 2007. Harvey was helped by Frank Muldowney, and hundreds of those who walked or contributed in completing this funny, inspirational, origional, political and imaginative journey.


The ending was different than some thought, as Harvey was pushed through the tape beside the famous Cape Byron Lighthouse by Indigo (15) and Paul (51). Frank stopped at the end and passed the wheelchair to the two inspiring people who touched Frank's heart on the journey, who are now starting their own dreams. Frank did not complete the walk just 5 metres short, and instead went to the love of his life Jacky Agosti.
"It was never about kilometres and records" said Frank.

"I never had a desire to end this walk, it's the beginning and living it was the greatest happiness I have ever felt. The last 5 steps, to me, is there to remind anyone who never tried to follow a dream, as it's the trying is the key, not necessarily the acheiving" said Frank. "Trying to create peace in myself and others, brought true happiness
in my heart, so I now know, happiness is the way to peace."

A few minutes later. Frank (smiling as he actually pulled a muscle on the last kilometre) strolled to the people who travelled long distances to congratulate him. The Mayor of Byron Bay, Jan Barham welcomed Frank to the town, and both has a few words of the importance of believing, thinking and creating peace. It was an emotional and inspiring day for many.

The Start.JPEGIMGP1477.jpg
The beginning in Perth - Harvey, the magnet, attracting friends in Melbourne

Annette Walton (Film Director) recorded the day, from the morining till dusk, and NBN TV also recorded the conclusion of the journey. The web site will be updated in the next few weeks, when the recorded moments can be shown both here and on You Tube.

There is a major 'thank you' to so many people who supported Frank from the beginning till the last few weeks of this journey. He wishes to publish all the names of those who were a part of the entire walk.

Siochain Leat

Adelaide parade.JPEGTaking_on_Nullarbor.jpg
Harvey's journey

Posted by fmuldowney 19:19 Archived in Australia Comments (5)

Kue interviews Frank in Coff's Harbour

Day 527 - Walk ends on 1pm, 29th September, at the Lighthouse in Byron Bay

sunny 23 °C


FRANK MULDOWNEY, an Irishman who has been walking across Australia in a campaign for world peace, has passed through Coffs Harbour on the home stretch of his journey.

Harvey reaches the east coast, 5700km completed.

You may have seen Frank walking through Coffs Harbour toward his final destination last weekend – pushing his friend Harvey the entire way.

Harvey, whom you can see by the presence of his orange wheelchair, was created by Frank as an imaginary leader for peace and kindness.

After suffering a from a brain haemorrhage at the age of 19, Frank turned to positive thinking to aid his recovery. He quickly learned that other factors in his life could be influenced by the same method. “I decided that my health was important, and that to get better I had to believe I would be better. It started to work, and it got me thinking – why couldn’t we create world peace the same way?” Frank said.

The walk, which began in April, last year in Perth, is aimed at spreading the word of how the world can achieve peace by the year 2015. “It’s about the little things. Maybe you’ll see the person behind you in the line at the Newsagent is buying a paper. Why not pay for it for them?” he said.

“It’s the best when they don’t know who you are. Buy someone a drink, or offer to help. That’s truly what kindness is,” Frank said.

Inspired by Albert Einstein’s words,
“Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the entire world.”
Frank decided his walk for peace was a great way to create a global pilgrimage for peace.

“I’m aiming at heading back to Ireland to walk from Dublin to Belfast, with Harvey of course, and then on to Israel. Hopefully by the time I finish it will be a Walk of Celebration,” Frank said.

If you see Frank on his walk for peace, feel free to join in – Frank said there’s plenty of room next to Harvey. He’s set to finish his journey at Byron Bay at the lighthouse on September 29, 1pm.

Posted by fmuldowney 23:53 Archived in Australia Comments (0)

MEDIA RELEASE - Believing in Harvey 2006/07

The aims, and plan of the final day.

27 °C

The 6,000km walk for peace will end at 1pm, 29th September, at the lighthouse in Byron Bay

nammy_pic.jpgOn the road.JPG
Creating the Pilgrimage for Peace across Australia 2007.

A 41 year old Irishman Mr Frank Muldowney, said goodbye to his homeland and his comfortable career to embark on a 6,000km walk across Australia, to create a Pilgrimage for Peace. He believes we will have world peace in 8 years, speaking on behalf for ‘Harvey’ the imaginary peace maker living in a wheelchair. Mr Muldowney believes a Global Pilgrimage for Peace is literally a path to peace where anyone can participate to express their desire for peace in their own individual way.

Mr. Muldowney’s story is remarkable. In 1985 at the age of 19, he suffered a brain haemorrhage (AVM), reported having intensive brain damage after 8 hours of brain surgery. For close to a year, he lived in his own world in the future as he was unable to speak or comprehend correctly in society, but he believed it was temporary, just like medical knowledge and intelligence, everything changes in time. While learning how to read again, Mr. Muldowney read a quotation from Albert Einstein that confirmed his own belief of the power of the human mind can cure oneself, a theory to solve any problem – “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the entire world”

The Camino de Santiago, the aincent pilgrimage across Spain

Mr. Muldowney then applied the philosophical strength of that quotation to his own health. Despite having no prior medical knowledge, he decided to ignore medical diagnosis and took charge of his own health, through physical training, travelling, learning, walking and thinking of the future rather in the past.

From 1989 to 1999, Mr. Muldowney completed 16 long distant walks for charity in Ireland, France, Spain and Peru, to improve himself and learn from the wisdom of others. These walks were pilgrimages and Mr. Muldowney felt peacefulness spreading within himself and others from these walks. Peace in his own heart started to cure his own disabilities. He then knew it was the most powerful source of healing, both his health and creating peace between people. It came to be his belief that world peace will come from these historical paths in the future, and he must expand on it. The practice of being an advocate for world peace accelerated vast improvements in Mr. Muldowney’s speech, comprehension and thinking skills over the last 2 years. In 2006 he used the same Einstein-inspired approach when he embarked on his 6,000km walk for peace across Australia carrying ‘Harvey’ the imaginary peace maker, the catalyst, who can unify peoples desire for peace.

The Inca trail to Machu Picchu, Peru.

“The important things of life are invisible, love, respect and peace. When I talk about peace, in the future, it changes the way people think. The dream for peace is in everyone’s heart, you cannot see it, but you can feel it, this dream cannot die, this is Harvey ,the imaginary peace maker who lives in your own heart. This desire for peace is something we have in common, of all races and creeds, a desire to be free or fear, together, not alone. Harvey's wheelchair is a symbol for everyone, for a world disabled by fear, racism and injustice. We are all disabled until we have peace.”

Mr. Muldowney has walked other pilgrimages, the Camino de Santiago in Spain and the trail to Machu Picchu in Peru. He felt that peace grows in peoples hearts on these paths. He aims to ask the councils, citizens and governments to acknowledge this walk across Australia, as an official pilgrimage and promote it as part of this country’s culture and history. Then expand this walk to be a single global pilgrimage for peace, united between other countries. This walk for peace can transform areas of violence into areas of peace, as over time, peace will grow as there will be no room for violence anymore.

Mr Muldowney believes if each individual can create individual ideas or symbols for peace, and show them to others on this Global Pilgrimage for Peace, this will inspire and empower the people of each town on this path. Now one can start participating and creating peace as artists, walkers, speakers, musicians, comedians and travellers. Peace is now the first thought and objective, where as thoughts of fear and war are becoming a part of history.

Early days, after Frank's 950mile walk around Ireland, 1993.

“Using one’s imagination and being prepared to work hard to create it, is the way to happiness, and happiness is the way to peace” Frank Muldowney

For full details - www.believinginharvey.com
Mr Frank Muldowney’s email - [email protected]
Mobile - 0407 435196 (Australian)

Frank with the Irish Prime Minister in 1997 - Frank with the Irish Ambassador in Canberra 2007

*Mr Muldowney has already walked over 10,000km across Australia, France, Spain, Peru and Ireland creating the roots of this Global Pilgrimage for Peace. He is awaiting for support from business men and women, the United Nations, and ministers of tourism in all nations, to promote and create this path for peace.

Please pass this web page to anyone who you think could be interested in promoting this pilgrimage.


Posted by fmuldowney 16:31 Archived in Ireland Comments (1)

Dolphins showing us how to live peacefully, with a smile.

Day 525

semi-overcast 18 °C

Zippy telling Nathan a joke!

The crew at work - On the road, Harvey enjoying new walkers, Kim, Kate, Nathan of course, and Bindi the dog who wanted to walk longer than I did!

It was an honour for Nathan and I to have an intimate experience with the Dolphin's world at the Pet Porpoise Pool in Coff's Harbour.

The trio showing off - This is Calamity, my first Dolphin kiss (sorry Jacky!)

Kim is the show organiser, who showed us the way in this tranquil place. We both learned a lot about the horrific damages caused by pollution, and Dolphins particularly are curious creatures who can be harmed by anything from cans to plastic bottles. We hope to create awareness about this on the last 20 days of this walk.

Bella, the 2 year old star.

The message from this walk is 'Peace' and the Dolphins to me are a great example to all of us how to live, peacefully with a smile. The Dolphin world has no borders, live off the natural gifts which we have, and give love and humour to others. Perhaps we the humans have a lot to learn from these beautiful, intelligent mammals, and maybe that is why we are so fascinated about them.

Bella - Just after feeding time, one decided to go for a record of twists and turns of glee, its a dolphin thing!

We are hoping to have another interview with NBN TV at the Pet Porpoise Pool, and see if we can express the same peacefullness between us and the Dolphins. Nathan and I and many believe we will have world peace by 2015, I wonder what the Dolphins think, as they do not seem to look negative about the future unlike so many humans who do. Perhaps it's true that Dolphins are more intelligent than us, they are certainly happy. This brings me back to my own belief in a quote, that 'happiness is the way to peace'.

A poem from Jacky Agosti, of the scars that we and Dolphins have to live with -


"I believe our scars are an important part of life,
I like to cherish scars,
sad moments, happy moments,
big bums, small bums,
the rain, the sun,
the tears, the joy,
the celeries, the chocolates...
No more stories of the past but actions in the present,
and plans for the future.
Lets protect nature and everything that has come from it."

Thank you Kim and all the staff of the PPP. We loved every moment of it.

For more information about the 'wonderful' Pet Porpoise Pool check out this web site

Frank Muldowney

PS. Jacky she started the kissing!

Posted by fmuldowney 01:14 Archived in Australia Comments (1)

In Nambucca, now just 22 days to Byron Bay.

Day 522 - 5580km

rain 17 °C

Meeting with the Rotary Club in Nambucca

After I set the final day of the walk, 29th September, more ideas came my way. Nathan and I were invited to a business meeting with the Rotary Club in Nambucca, and the reaction to it was positive. Members of the club gave us a lot of advice and connections which may be the beginning of a professional plan for this pilgrimage in both Australia and abroad.

Harvey's moon

A few days ago we saw this stunning orange moon, the night of the eciplse. We looked at it as a sign of good times ahead just a few days before the USA President's arrival. All I can think is, a glowing orange moon was a message that Harvey is here, peace is here, and it will grow step by step, person by person. The universe is in charge, we just help along in our own small way, to make a small difference to put a smile on people, which may some day put a smile on the moon.

A tight squeeze in the van for lunch - Alex of Taree joined in giving my back a rest and new fresh hands pushing Harvey.

Alex walked with us after Taree, a future journalist, musician, and anything he put his mind to it really. He introduced us to his family and friends in Wingham, who welcomed us to their home, a night of luxury, lovely meal, showers and a bed! What, a bed. You have no idea what a wonderful feeling these generous people have giving to us.

We also met Terry in Nambucca, who has welcomed us in home and we stayed here for the last 3 nights, using his home as a base to help us on the way to Coffs Harbour. We covered a lot of ground and a lot of publicity work, and we thank you Terry for open more doors for us on this journey.

I had to stay at Paddy's Rest, and Irish sign im sure.

Now off we go again, counting the days and the kilometres, and we are now looking forward to the 29th to see is this an ending or is it really a beginning.

Namaste to all those who supported us over the last week.

Frank and Nathan

Posted by fmuldowney 16:38 Archived in Australia Comments (1)

The final day, 29th September 2007

Day 520 - 5525km

sunny 24 °C

The evening at Flynn's Beach where we saw the stunning eclipsed moon. It was orange! So it was Harvey's night to tell us when the walk will end.

After much consideration and planning, the final day of 'Believing in Harvey' is set on the 29th of September 2007, at the Lighthouse in Byron Bay. it will be a beginning rather than an ending.

I remember a meeting with Shiera O'Brien, my friend and coach in 2005, where I walked across an invisible map of Australia on the floor, so I can visualise the journey and its challenges and then the final day. It was a very important moment for me as I had an inner smile as I never doubted my determination to start this walk, but more importantly how it ends.

Johnathon Ng (photographer) taking a risk on the main road for a good shot

It has been a bigger task than I thought. I did not know I had to improve myself in diplomacy, understanding and generosity, I think I learned a lot from this. I made a decision early to make friends with each person regardless of the differences of my own opinions or thoughts and find out is it possible to make friends with everyone? Im sure thats probably impossible, but I have not made any enemies, so I have learned one part that I am very proud of.

The wisdom of so many people on this journey is overwhelming. From my cousins in Perth, all the way to the families on the east coast I have recently met. I am privileged to meet so many, who have given me shelter, water, food and wisdom in abundance. All I could do was to respect them and their views and thoughts, and treat their homes as a temple. That was always a priviledge to do. Thank you for all those who made such a difference in this long journey.

The 29th will be a special day for me and I hope it will open the imagination of others to follow their own dreams, by living it. Each dream is different, and in my experiences it is no picnic believe me, but the more effort you put in, the more you are rewarded. It took courage for me to follow my heart and earn the right to deserve it, and it is only now that I feel I have.

There are too many names to thank, who changed this dream into a reality, but you all know who you are. I know some will be there in Byron Bay, and it will be a joy to meet these friends again. Some of the most important people of my life will not be there on the 29th, but they will be in my heart. For those no longer with us are their too, in Harvey.


Frank Muldowney

Posted by fmuldowney 21:09 Archived in Australia Comments (1)

A rest in Kempsey

Day 517 - 5484km

semi-overcast 21 °C

A intimate chat at Tank FM

Sometimes Nathan and I have a chance to rest our bodies. So we can do the laundry, shopping, update the diaries and web sites, clean the van and plan the next 3 or 4 days....and thats a rest day!

Anyway we still had time for a chat on the local radio station 'Tank FM', an nery enjoyable conversation. When we came into Kempsey we got so many people who heard of this walk, some from the Prime TV interview, others saw the NBN TV interview of last week, and all we can say is "Tank you" :-)

It is now about 115km to Coffs Harbour, where I will have a set time of when the walk will be completed. I still have to consider which vehicle will be used on the last few days, as the rented van is running out of days and Namaste is now repaired but parked way behind not far from Raymond Terrace. I will have to make a decision how to work this out plus the best date to suit as many people as possible.

For now, many thanks for the people of Kempsey, and we will meet even more lovely people on the last 30 days or so.


Frank Muldowney

Posted by fmuldowney 18:25 Archived in Australia Comments (0)

Tribute to Lorna Mitchell, MS Society.

Day 516 - 5470km

semi-overcast 24 °C

This is a private message of where 'Believing in Harvey' came from, and who let it free.

Lorna 2nd from the right, organised the walk in Peru 2004.

In 1988 I was desperate to make a difference by walking across Ireland, just 3 years after my illness. No one would take a risk on me, as I have never walked anywhere and my health was in doubt. It never was really looked at seriously.

Six months later a neighbour told my mother, of the Irish Multiple Sclerosis Society walking event. A walk raising funds for MS, by 40 people who would walk about 300km from Nantes to Paris. Lorna Mitchell was the organiser, and as my speech was a problem in expressing myself, my mother made an appointment to see if the organiser would allow me to go.

Lorna on the right giving me support of my own walk in 1993.

That day changed my life, as Lorna never seemed to doubt me, and I was allowed to go with an group of inspirational people to make a small difference for those who suffers from MS.

On that journey I met Jim Blewitt (RIP) who became my best friend, and dozens of new friends who re-educated me, and my own dream was born. I completed 13 international walks with this group and from these walks I knew the potential of creating a Global Pilgrimage for Peace.

From 1989 to today, Lorna Mitchell organised walks for MS in Europe, Africa, Asia, America North & South and because of it, new centres for MS sufferers have being built. She has not only helped the lives of those who suffers from MS, but she has created friendships between hundreds of people, creating a wave of optimism and possibilities. She took on the responsibilities of hundreds of people for near 2 decades on over 25 international walks across the world, and took a back seat on every journey.

The MS walkers were awarded by the Taoiseach Bertie Aherne in 1997.

For myself, she opened a door for me, to express my own visions of peace, and 'Believing in Harvey' was born. I can only imagine the number or people whose lives were changed for the better, because or Lorna's determination and vision.

Lorna you may never know how many people you have touched, and this ripple effect will continue.

Namaste Lorna, have a wonderful retirement.

Frank Muldowney

Posted by fmuldowney 22:48 Archived in Ireland Comments (0)

CONCEPT - "Peace is Here"

"Believing in Harvey" - 6,000km from Perth to Byron Bay, and beyond.

sunny 27 °C

Ok, it may look like a joke, but last year, a 42 year old Irishman, walked 4,000 miles across Australia, claiming that World Peace is here. It becomes even more ludicrous when you discover that he pushed an empty wheelchair all the way, carrying ‘Harvey’ and invisible character, who the Dubliner says, is the most important person you will meet. You will see quickly that this is not your average long distant walker.

It is hard to believe but this story comes from the experiences of a lateral thinking, disabled, brain damaged, Mr Frank Muldowney. He was a talented artist during his school years but at 19 years old in 1985 he suffered from a brain haemorrhage, leaving him with speech, visual and comprehension problems. His art career seemed to be over but in time Mr Muldowney describes his disabilities as ‘a blessing in disguise’, as to him noting is really bad or good, it depends on how you look at it. "I am still the same artist in my mind" said Frank.

Mr Muldowney spent time in therapy, to improve his speech and comprehension. He got involved with charity walks for the MS Society, raising funds for MS suffers, but also built up Frank’s health and confidence. He was in Roslyn Park College being trained with other disabled people, to fit into society and find employment. Frank's instincts lead him to a different path and after getting a job in the local Credit Union, in his spare time he returned to focus on his own imaginative artistic skills. He created a character who he aimed to use as the centre of attention to express his own thoughts and imaginations, through a long walk, a film and the media. This was his dream, with the intention to question the mind-set, that peace will never happen.

Harvey was reborn - Happy Frank

The Dubliner adopted ‘Harvey’ the invisible character from the eponymous classic film of the same name. “I was depressed soon after the operation in 85’", said Frank, "and by chance an empty wheelchair was parked beside my bed. I felt my own dreams were now in that wheelchair. ‘Harvey’ is like a child's invisible friends, important in your life, but can't be seen and hard to achieved. I felt, I must see through the disabilities what this wheelchair represents and find away to express myself, by making Harvey known, like any dream."

NBN 6 O'Clock News, New South Wales

He continues, “In my life, I learned that the universal dream is, the desire for peace. I spent time thinking, what exactly is ‘war' and 'peace'. Through years of travelling, I now believe that War and Peace are more a personal feeling and perception of the world, not something real that can be bought. War, to me, is one living in fear, and peace is one living happily. How can anyone create a peaceful world who is unhappy, one has no concept of what peace would be like. I knew I must first "feel peace" in myself, in my thoughts, attitudes and belief. It did not take long to actually feel peace in my heart, through my own imaginations an feelings. It was incredible. Anyone can experience this feeling, by thinking of one of the best times of your own life, then focus on that memory. The more one does it, the more one experiences a real feeling of inner peace. That is what peace is to me, a personal feeling deep in your soul, that cannot be seen and cannot be taken from you. So I do not see any conflict, political or military creating solutions to peace, when in fact it is only the individual who can create peace in him or herself. "

"I had a lot of deep hatred in myself, about many things, disability, injustice, mass murder, the list was getting longer. The wisdom of my grandmother eventually cured me over time. She never seemed to hate anyone, as she would put it 'When you won't forgive, you then have hate. With hate, you will never feel peace, until you are brave enough to forgive. When you can forgive, you are then finally free.'
"If I decide to be unhappy because of my disabilities, or to live in fear by alleged war or terrorism, then that is my misfortune. If I however decide to live as happily as I can and forgive those I used to hate, then I am at peace and spread my happiness to others. I am now, no longer in that wave of fear or hate and I am creating my own wave of peace, going in the other direction."

The inspirational figures of Frank's life "Their dreams live on through our imaginations, through Harvey"

Frank confirms his own beliefs from a quotation from Albert Einstein - “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the entire world”

Consider that one day, Mr Frank Muldowney was unemployed living on a disability benefit. He got a job, saved as much he could, flew to one of the biggest countries in the world, picked up a wheelchair, assembled a team and walked across Australia. He ended up appearing on national television, radio and newspapers, met the Irish Ambassador and the Dalai Lama at a press conference in Canberra. Frank said – “I followed my heart, to see is it true that dreams can become real. Not only that happened, but now I have the words to express myself which I did not have before. I know how really lucky I am, however it takes courage to live a dream and the benefits after is, inner peace and contentment.”

On the road pushing Harvey with the back up team blocking traffic! - Frank introducing Harvey to the Irish Ambassador in Canberra.

Frank is now resting in Dublin, with ‘Harvey’ of course. His next journey is from Dublin to Belfast, hopefully in July this summer, a walk of celebration for the peace that was achieved in Ireland last year. He is planning to make a documentary of the short walk which Frank believes is a pilgrimage of peace, joining the 2 capitals together in peace. Belfast will not be his last walk, as he intends to continue the walk to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff and ending in London.

You may see Frank and Harvey at the St Patrick’s Day Parade in Dublin, at the Grandstand at St Parnell Square.

An Taoiseach giving Frank an award in 1998 - Completing his walk around Ireland in 1993 with the Dublin Lord Mayor

by Eva de Lange

Email - [email protected]
Web Site - www.believinginharvey.com

"The only people who have felt world peace, is those who had nothing to fear" - Frank Muldowney

Posted by fmuldowney 18:30 Archived in Ireland Comments (1)

The last 500km

Dat 512 - 5400km

sunny 24 °C

A happy day in Sydney

I am now resting in Kew, a small town just 24km short of Port Macquarie.

It is probably ther first time that I feel the walk is coming to an end in Australia. I know I could walk this last 500 in 20 days, but I would rather have patience and see what else is possible to promote Harvey and the meaning of this pilgrimage.


Over the last few weeks, I have received positive reactions to local councils and information offices who see the possibility of large numbers of peaceful minded walkers, travelling through this path in the future. This idea of a pilgrimage of peace can improve towns who have been bi-passed or have struggled over the years like Norseman, Karuah or Buladelah. I will not be able to speak officially about this idea until the walk is over, then I think I have a lot of letters to write.

Having a chat with a friend in Karuah

For me it is a time to rest, and think of my loved ones in Ireland and Europe and of course here in Australia, as it is those who have carried me so many years to have this opportunity, trying to make a difference.

It's the trying is always the key.



Posted by fmuldowney 19:30 Archived in Australia Comments (0)

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