Kue interviews Frank in Coff's Harbour
Day 527 - Walk ends on 1pm, 29th September, at the Lighthouse in Byron Bay
13.09.2007 23 °C
FRANK MULDOWNEY, an Irishman who has been walking across Australia in a campaign for world peace, has passed through Coffs Harbour on the home stretch of his journey.
Harvey reaches the east coast, 5700km completed.
You may have seen Frank walking through Coffs Harbour toward his final destination last weekend – pushing his friend Harvey the entire way.
Harvey, whom you can see by the presence of his orange wheelchair, was created by Frank as an imaginary leader for peace and kindness.
After suffering a from a brain haemorrhage at the age of 19, Frank turned to positive thinking to aid his recovery. He quickly learned that other factors in his life could be influenced by the same method. “I decided that my health was important, and that to get better I had to believe I would be better. It started to work, and it got me thinking – why couldn’t we create world peace the same way?” Frank said.
The walk, which began in April, last year in Perth, is aimed at spreading the word of how the world can achieve peace by the year 2015. “It’s about the little things. Maybe you’ll see the person behind you in the line at the Newsagent is buying a paper. Why not pay for it for them?” he said.
“It’s the best when they don’t know who you are. Buy someone a drink, or offer to help. That’s truly what kindness is,” Frank said.
Inspired by Albert Einstein’s words,
“Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the entire world.”
Frank decided his walk for peace was a great way to create a global pilgrimage for peace.
“I’m aiming at heading back to Ireland to walk from Dublin to Belfast, with Harvey of course, and then on to Israel. Hopefully by the time I finish it will be a Walk of Celebration,” Frank said.
If you see Frank on his walk for peace, feel free to join in – Frank said there’s plenty of room next to Harvey. He’s set to finish his journey at Byron Bay at the lighthouse on September 29, 1pm.
Posted by fmuldowney 23:53 Archived in Australia