A Travellerspoint blog

In Nambucca, now just 22 days to Byron Bay.

Day 522 - 5580km

rain 17 °C

Meeting with the Rotary Club in Nambucca

After I set the final day of the walk, 29th September, more ideas came my way. Nathan and I were invited to a business meeting with the Rotary Club in Nambucca, and the reaction to it was positive. Members of the club gave us a lot of advice and connections which may be the beginning of a professional plan for this pilgrimage in both Australia and abroad.

Harvey's moon

A few days ago we saw this stunning orange moon, the night of the eciplse. We looked at it as a sign of good times ahead just a few days before the USA President's arrival. All I can think is, a glowing orange moon was a message that Harvey is here, peace is here, and it will grow step by step, person by person. The universe is in charge, we just help along in our own small way, to make a small difference to put a smile on people, which may some day put a smile on the moon.

A tight squeeze in the van for lunch - Alex of Taree joined in giving my back a rest and new fresh hands pushing Harvey.

Alex walked with us after Taree, a future journalist, musician, and anything he put his mind to it really. He introduced us to his family and friends in Wingham, who welcomed us to their home, a night of luxury, lovely meal, showers and a bed! What, a bed. You have no idea what a wonderful feeling these generous people have giving to us.

We also met Terry in Nambucca, who has welcomed us in home and we stayed here for the last 3 nights, using his home as a base to help us on the way to Coffs Harbour. We covered a lot of ground and a lot of publicity work, and we thank you Terry for open more doors for us on this journey.

I had to stay at Paddy's Rest, and Irish sign im sure.

Now off we go again, counting the days and the kilometres, and we are now looking forward to the 29th to see is this an ending or is it really a beginning.

Namaste to all those who supported us over the last week.

Frank and Nathan

Posted by fmuldowney 16:38 Archived in Australia

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Hey Frank

The 29th September is a quarter day. "In English and Scottish tradition, the days on which servants were hired and rents and rates were due." . I am sure you didnt really need to know that, but it adds a certain "je ne sais quoi" to the conclusion of your pilgrimage for peace. Good Luck for the rest of your journey Frank - hope you are planning a good rest once its all over.

by hemsty

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